Torun (Pologne)

Bella Skyway Festival 2016

The Anooki lighten up Torun

Since 2009, the Bella Skyway Festival illuminates the summers of the gothic city of Torun, west of Poland. In 2016, The Anooki transform the facade of the Collegium Maximum, playing with the bricks and gothic windows. They pay tribute to astronomer, Nicolas Copernic, a native of Torun, while visiting the stars.

4 jours
2 000 000 de visiteurs
3800 #anooki sur Instagram
4 vidéoprojecteurs de 40K Lumens
1 écran de 30m de diamètre
2 personnages de 20m de long
2500 m2 de toile polyester
40 sphères de 2m de diamètre
12’ de spectacle
200 gilets jaunes